But somehow, i felt the presence of 'lonely' and 'sadness' slips into my heart. After this, there would be no more life as a students and as a free teenager who just thinking whether to attending the kuliah or not. There would be no more karaoke until the break of dawn, there would be no more supper at 3am, there would be no more midnight movies and so on and so forth.
Life will changed 360 after this. Aww... *yawning*
I was still thinking about what happen after this. Leaving one chapter and start a new one isn't that hard, because before this i used to leave few chapters back and still i kept the good memories with me. But for this special chapter in my life, i dunno if i'm ready to let it go or not. Because this chapter of my life taught me that being yourself is all that you need to make sure you'll survive in this world. This chapter teac me about life is not hard as you see, but it is how you see it that determine the outcome.
In my p.o.v., i was thinking that it is easy for us to take something that is nice and beautiful, but the hardest thing is how we're going to keep it so that it'll be ours forever.
At some point, we might thinking on to leave it there, the place where we taken it. But sooner or later, it will disappear. Either someone else taking it or it's just gone...forever. But if we keep it, somehow when we find another that is more valueable, we might not be able to take that one.
For me, i'll leave it there. Let it be someone else's things, but just keep watching it. So that we won't lose it. Continue to pick up other beautiful and nice thing, but the one we left, keep an eye on it.
Ok, blog aku kan? So, lantak aku la nak tulis panjang berjela-jela pun kan? Hee~sedikit preview masa pergi Pangkor hari tu. Kami memang rancang nak pergi situ lagi. Memang sangat cantik la!!!
Dah sampai!!!
Pantai dekat sana memang cantik. Tapi dekat Teluk Nipah lagi cantik. Atas ni gambar dekat Pasir Bogak.
Haa..Teluk Nipah. Airnya...fuh! Memang sampai paras pinggang kau pun jernih lagi. Tapi masinnye...terbatuk-batuk jugak aku tertelan air laut tuh. Lama tak berenang, ingatkan berat badan bertambah, aku terus tenggelam. Tetapi...eh! Boleh je berenang style anak hanjing tuh. Lepas tu lenguh-lenguh tangan sebab tak warm-up sebelum berenang. Huu~
Makanan kat sana...perlu pandai memilih kedai. Kedai kat tepi-tepi pantai tu banyak jual makanan laut yang segar. Ikan barracuda dia, mata jernih jek. Ada jugak tempat makan yang ala-ala candlelight dinner. Hee~ongkosnya pun mahal la ye...

Itulah Pangkalan TLDM. Rindu gila aku kat tempat tu. Sebab dulu training kat situ, banyak kisah suka duka. Tapi semuanya dah jadik pengalaman manis yang paling berharga dalam hidup aku. Kapal Hang Nadim (134) pun ada hehe~sewaktu artikel ni ditulis, kapal tu tengah meronda kat perairan negara kita ni.
Aaaaah...bila nak balik kampung? Rindu pulak dekat orang kat Muar tu...
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