1. Pulau Pangkor
3 hours drive from Penang, costs around MYR 100/person for a trip included bus, van in the island and hotel for 2 days 1 night. Activity such as trekking, snorkelling, scuba-diving and wind-surfing. Wind-surfing sounds nice. No more banana boat time! Dekat dengan Penang lagipun.
2. Pulau Langkawi
Costs : RM150++/person
I've already been here twice, and it always beautiful as the first time i saw it. Langkawi Boutique Resort at Pantai Cenang located 15 minutes from the airport. No planes! Am gonna take bus if Langkawi is the last result. But the ferry rate is quite expensive now. When i went there during 2007, it was around RM15 if i'm not mistaken. Now it costs almost RM26 per person. Correct me if i'm wrong. If then, RM26 x 5(siblings) plus Mak and Abah. Huuu...belum sampai sana dah bengkrap.
3. Pulau Sipadan
Costs : RM 300+/person
My teacher went there and he told me that 'It is way tooooo beautiful!'. The water is crystal clear and one of the most beautiful beach in the world is there. If i'm going to take this island, i have to book ticket really early so that i'll get cheap price!
4. Pulau Pinang
Costs : RM 60/person
Not included hotels and food and the not-so-metered-cab
Oh, please.
5. Pulau Tioman
Costs : RM245/person
3 days 2 nights, meals, island hopping and activities well included. Worth the price, worth the beauty. My friends said that it is not a place for shopping (unlike Langkawi) but if u wanna get a peace of mind, it would be such a perfect paradise.
6. Pulau Redang
Costs : RM150+/person
Syukri been invited me since like years! Terengganu is his hometown after all and he doesn't mid to take me there. How

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